Good news! I got a cam from a friend today! (And only for today) <_<
Oh well, went into the level with 99 lives, cam set up and ready to record and got a 42:34 pretty soon. Not bad I thought, and kept on playing. 20 lives later, a sub42 happened again! 41.92!!
Awesome!, I thought, but my goal was it to record something better than yoshi's 41.79 time. Well, I did get a better time at life #52, but it still doesn't beat yoshi's <_<
Still a new record for me!
I won't edit the vid and put it on YT because what's the point of having only the third best run up there that also loses in the quality aspect? Yeah, there's no use for it on YT, not unless I at least beat yoshi's time.
Oh well, you should still see it, I'll be putting it on tinypic quite soon. The quality is slightly better than usual =D What an embarrasing moment for the run to happen though, as my brother was listening to a radio station and they played a song form Britney Spears at that exact time. <_< The sound is also a bit desynced anyways,
so you better just turn the sound off!!EDIT: TO TURN THE SOUND OFF! <_<
Anyway, about the run. First 12 seconds were just perfect, then I know a lost a little time between 0:14 and 0:25 (probably loading the first/third spindash on the pumpkins) because looking at it in frame-by-frame mode and comparing it to my 41:92 run, I lost around 0.1 seconds. I lost a little bit of time during the second rail switch (you can hit the rail a bit earlier) and I somehow have the feeling that I've done the second rail
slower than usual. Maybe it's because I hit it slightly later than usual? Not too sure on that. The rest of the run was pretty much perfectly executed from what I can tell.
I am honestly not sure if I lost some time during the jump from the rail to the first pumpkin, but I guess only Jawzun/yoshi can tell me that.
So 0.1 seconds of loss before the rail, hitting the second rail slightly later also lost me around 0.1 seconds + if what I'm feeling is true and I did grind the second rail a bit slower than always (a rough guess would be that I lost half a second there?), that would be make around a difference of 0.7 seconds!! And even if it's a bit less, the record is definitely in reach!!!
EDIT numero due:Wow, I just experienced the "perfect rail switch" Brian was talking about in this post:
there's a trick in the rail switch after he last check, instead of jumping on the other rail, you can get to it with a normal rail switch, of course it's harder to do, but it can save a good amount of time.
Not only did I naturally save time by not having to jump for the little while, but Shadow was also incredibly fast on the second rail. This is a huuuge 0.7+ seconds timesaver!!!! Man, should I ever get this nailed in a good run the record is mine for sure.
Official confirmation: sub41 is possible